FitKonnect Info

February 11, 2022

Lose Weight Without Going to the Gym

Exercise is an essential aspect for good health and well being. Adopting the right exercise regimen while attempting to reduce weight can be quite an arduous task, however, especially if one does not want to go to the gym. You may rely on the finest workouts to do at home to lose weight if you want to lose weight without stepping in the gym. If you're looking to start your own weight-reduction routine but don't know where to begin, try these 10 greatest exercises for weight loss.
February 10, 2022

Zoomers Fins

The kick is one of the most difficult skills for competitive swimmers to learn. Putting on a pair of fins, whether you're a novice or an elite-level swimmer, is one of the most efficient methods to increase your kick, from improving ankle flexibility to enhancing overall kicking fitness. The following are some of the reasons why Zoomers are one of the greatest types of swimming fins for improving your kick and becoming a better swimmer.
February 9, 2022

How to Prevent a Side Stitch

A side stitch is a discomfort on one side of your abdomen that is also known as exercise-related temporary abdominal pain (ETAP). It's more frequent on the right side of the body. Cramping or a dull discomfort may be present, as well as a tugging sensation or a sharp, stabbing pain.